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Aldosterone-mediated responses
Aldosterone induces numerous non genomic and genomic responses. The induction of primary response genes is rapid (within 30 minutes) and does not require ongoing protein synthesis. By contrast classical secondary response genes do not bind the receptor complex and their activation depends on the primary response.

What is ADMIRE and what is its aim?

ADMIRE, an acronym for AlDosterone and MIneralocorticoid REceptor is a COST action (European Cooperation in Sciences and Technology) to create an integrated network of excellence and build research capacity through collaboration and knowledge-sharing between experts in multi-disciplinary fields related to aldosterone/mineralocorticoid research for the understanding of the physiopathology of the hormone aldosterone and its receptor MR, the genetics of aldosterone/MR related diseases; the identification of novel clinical indications of MR antagonists; the development of novel diagnostic tools for selecting patients for personalised MR antagonist treatment; and the discovery of novel therapeutic targets related to aldosterone/MR involvement in diseases.

Aldosterone and its receptor

Aldosterone is the major hormone regulating blood pressure. Alterations in blood levels of aldosterone and genetic mutations in its receptor, the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) are major causes of hypertension.

Many of the drugs in clinical use and in development target aldosterone and MR actions and are an intense area of research in Europe. There is a scientific and clinical need to better understand the mechanisms of aldosterone secretion and MR activation, and to obtain molecular insights into the pathophysiological roles of MR activation and the clinical situations where aldosterone/MR is pathogenic.

This will lead to the identification of novel molecular targets and open up the range of therapeutic targets and diagnostic tools to identify patients who will benefit from MR antagonism. Finally, this basic and translational oriented research will help to define, design and validate novel MR antagonists with safer clinical properties.

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Last update: Friday, May 12, 2017
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